Ridurre i rischi di fermo macchina grazie all’architettura IoT
Lodovico Menozzi - National Instruments Italy
(in lingua inglese)
• Distributed Intelligence
– Promotes optimum network response times and bandwidth utilization
– Allows unprecedented amounts of data to be seamlessly managed through the system
– Enhances reliability through decentralized coordination instead of through the imposition of hierarchical control
• Flexible communication protocols
– Facilitates instrumentation interoperability
– Common data file formats (Standards Based)
• Future-proof architecture
– Real-time platform that allows capture of fast moving data such as transients and line disturbances
– High Fidelity ADCs with 24-bits and filtering capabilities for high quality measurements
– I/O Expandable and remote field upgrades
• Security
– Encryption, Authentication, Firewall, SSL, Linux SE
Leggi tutto
Fonte: MCM ottobre 2016 La manutenzione per l’industria: applicazioni diagnostiche, predittive e proattive
Settori: Automazione industriale, Industria 4.0, Informatica, IoT, Manutenzione industriale, Sicurezza industriale, Software industriale
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